Sunday, May 14, 2017

Pushing Through

My training this week went great! I was able to get 6 days in and I felt great most days. The 5th day I was tired and mentally wasn't really wanting to train. I started to think "I could take a rest day today." This is typically my MO after a few days in a row of training. I would take an unplanned  day off, and that one day would turn in to 3 or 4  missed days. Before you know it I would be derailed again.

This time I just talked myself into going for a mile walk. I did it and before I knew it I had gotten 3 miles in. When I was done with the walk I was still a little tired, but mentally I felt so much better. I pushed myself and didn't let up. The 6th day of training I felt great I got my long run in and some additional training.  Pushing through even though I really did not want to made me mentally feel great and my training continues with no hiccup. Changing my thought process even if only to push myself to get 1 mile helped me and I got 3 miles in. When in reality I could have just went back to bed. If I would have done that though my day would have turned into a beat up on Paula day. One of those days where I am mad at myself for not getting my training in and by the end of the day I would have broke down all my progress and more than likely it would have been about 4 days till I worked out again, and those 3 days in between would not have been healthy physically or mentally.

Instead by doing my scheduled training I got another day in, took my planned rest day off and feel ready to start on Monday. This is not to say  I will be perfect I will have off days where I just will miss a training day I know that, but this week, today is what I am going to concentrate on and be happy with my progress.  That is all we can do, take it one day at a time.

Well, Happy Mothers Day to those mom's out there I hope you enjoyed your day as you should!

Have a great week all, and as always comments are always welcome.  Thanks!



  1. Great job, Paula! I'm proud of you. Realistic goals; you are doing great! 😎😎😎

    1. Aww thanks Cat, I am working at it. 😊
