Sunday, May 21, 2017

MIssing Training.

Let's just clear this up right now: YOU ARE GOING TO MISS TRAINING DAYS every now and then. Of course you don't want to miss it too often as it will become too common and your training will become derailed, but you WILL miss training. Perfection is not an option nor should it be. If you try to be perfect, when you do  miss just one day of training, you will be upset, overwhelmed, and then the Fuck it attitude will come into play. Before you know it you have missed a week of training.

Don't let this become you. What I am doing is giving myself a number of the amount of training workouts I can miss. I may not miss them all but at least in doing this I am giving myself some flexibility.  Case and point I knew this week I wouldn't get all my training days in because it was our 16th wedding anniversary and we were going to be gone from Friday-Sunday. This had the potential to take 3 days out of my training.  It ended up taking 2 days out. So, I got 4 days in rather than 6 but I am good with that. I enjoyed our mini vacation with no guilt.

Monday I will be back on track and I will get my 6 days in, you just have to remember there are days when life changes your perfect plan, and that's okay. If you cannot go with the flow of life some times in my case my wedding anniversary you are not living. Training is not supposed to beat the fun out of life. It is supposed to ENHANCE your life. For me it does every day and I never regret a run, or weight training and life just gets better.

Well I hope everyone has a great week! As always all comments are welcome.



  1. You are still on course! Setting realistic goals and allowing yourself some grace to rejoice in your given gifts, your marriage, and permission to take a break. You will get back at it. You are achieving your goals. Keep at it, my friend; I believe in you!

    1. Thanks Cat i will keep at it. 😊

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
