Friday, October 18, 2013

Failure is not an Option

I am grateful for days off and sleeping in

I decided to change my format a little. Before each of my blog post I will write something I am grateful for today. Gratitude makes every day better.

 So, I was going to write about fear today, but on my day off I had an epiphany. This came during a moment when I was cleaning my office. I was going through all of my books and I noticed how many I had on fitness and nutrition. I also noticed I had put together binders with schedules for running, losing weight, or training in general. Normally I would look at this and say “Crap I am such a failure look at how many times I tried to do something and how many times I quit!”  Then probably run to the nearest gas station and buy donuts, gummy bears, and other fat and sugar laden foods. Then sit in front of the TV eating everything blindly switching channels until a sugar coma commenced. LOL oh dear, that is kind of embarrassing. but remember I said I wasn’t going to sugar coat anything.

 Today, though, I looked at it and went hmmm yes I have tried training before only to fail. I have bought numerous books on the subjects of running and nutrition and they sat in my office collecting dust. This wasn’t my first though. My first thought was running, fitness, and nutrition are important to me and something I feel passionately about or I wouldn’t continue to try and fail, and try and succeed. The first time I failed I would have just quit taken all these books to a local used book store and never given it any thought any more. But I haven’t I am usually always thinking about running and fitness. Even in my darkest days when I could barely drag myself off the couch let alone go for a run fitness has always been on my mind. For me it is not just a passing fancy that I will forget about in a week. It is something I feel strongly about and I know this will never change.

 So my question to you is what do you feel strongly about?  What is something that you have perhaps failed in the past but you are constantly trying to achieve? Something you think about all the time.  Don’t get down on yourself for the times you have failed or not done it  pick yourself back up and get back at it. When you do achieve it you will feel like you just won the lottery. Well have a great weekend everyone, and enjoy the journey.

 P.S. any comments on my blogs or suggestions you would like to see me write about it greatly appreciated. Just let me know in the comments section or email me at


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