Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Journey to a Happy, Healthy Fit Life

            My name is Paula and I live in MN with my husband and 3 cats.  I like to write, read, train for races and I am constantly working towards improving myself. J I like sports and cheering for the Vikings as football is my favorite sport.   I also have an artistic flair to me.  It’s not uncommon to see me wearing blue nail polish, with a spiky, deep dark red haircut, and some dramatic makeup. Sometimes the drama is in the form of eye makeup, lipstick, or both. It all depends on the day and my mood.  I love to read an assortment of genres anywhere from books, to comic books. I like it all.

Now that you know a little about me, welcome to my blog. The purpose of this blog is primarily for accountability for me. If friends, family or some stranger stumbles upon it and you get any kind of motivation, inspiration or hell if it even just makes you smile, then that makes me happy.

Today I make a promise to myself that a year from now in 2014 I will be in peak shape, the best shape of my life so far. I added the “so far” because life is a journey of highs and lows and there is always room for improvement, so life therefore is a process, that we can constantly change and improve upon.

With my goal of getting in the best shape of my life so far, you may wonder how I will measure this…. No not thru weight or being the thinnest (I hate that word) I can be that will only get you so far… that will never be enough for me. So on November 30th I am doing a half marathon (which I have done before but I am not going to think about the past I am working on the present) my intention is to run/walk this half marathon with the intention of finishing.  I don’t care how fast I am I just want to finish. Midway thru the years promise I plan on doing another half marathon and then almost at the one year mark I will do a third half marathon. At the end of my promise I anticipate my endurance will improve, my confidence will be high, and I will be strong both inside and out, and a new PR to boot for my half marathon. But in reality the way I feel inside will be how I measure my success. J

Many may wonder why am I starting with a half marathon when I cannot run a 5k straight.  Why not start smaller?  Honestly that is no my personality. Go big or go home is the way I have always been J  and in the process I am hoping to work on 2 traits that have never been my strongest, consistency and patience.  By spreading it out over a year I will have setbacks and will struggle with it and to be perfectly blunt I will want to quit faster than a bag of gummy bears disappear when I am depressed, and this is where my blog will come into play. I hope my reading and writing of this blog it will be a sort of meditation for me that will help me accept my struggles and continue with my training and work thru my impatience rather than quitting like I have in the past.

So, if you want to, come along on this journey with me or if not that is alright too. J  I’m doing it either way.  I will write two or three times a week.  You will read about me trying new healthy dishes the good and the bad J  You will hear of my ups  and downs of training (I won’t sugar coat it)  And other personal aspects of my life that make me who I am . This is a challenge for me because I am a pretty quiet person, who likes to help others, but I also have clinical depression which can stop me from doing things in life and spreading my wings and trying new experiences. I know I need o t learn to express myself better and this blog is my start of that. I do much better writing my thought down to work through them but I am terrible at writing in a daily journal hence the blog. Well, time to put some miles on my shoes.
Happy journey everyone.


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