Friday, December 13, 2013


Thankful for my husband

So my training went ok this week. Missed about 2 workouts, but I’m okay with that. Today though, I am going to talk about a different topic, food. Food has always been the harder thing for me to do for my health. I can workout all day long but when it comes to food, well I always have excuses. Eating healthy and clean is something that is very difficult for me, and I will freely admit I am a junk food addict. So, what I am going to do is start by gradually introducing healthier foods in my diet week by week. In the past I have done it half ass but now I am going to, constructively, add healthy foods every week and my hope is to gradually be eating clean/healthy in a couple months.

So with each healthy habit I add to my daily diet (veggies, fruits, water, complex carbs) I will then get rid of unhealthy habits.  Chips, fast food, candy, diet pop etc… I am not going to do it all at once because I know myself and I know I would just be setting myself up to fail.  I refuse to do that again a gradual journey that is what I am going for with changes in my eating.

I also refuse to be a slave to the scale. I have a habit of becoming obsessive when it comes to the scale so I will only be weighing myself once a month. I do best with my diet and training when I am not zeroing in on a number on the scale.  Everyone is different but I feel this is the healthiest way for me to start to live a healthy lifestyle.  Not a diet, I despise that word, but a healthy lifestyle that will continue to help me with my journey.

Below I am listing a blog website entry that I read today and it seemed to resonate with me much more than other entries I have read about food in the past and I thought those who read my blog might enjoy it also. This blogger puts into words many things that I have thought in the past, but was unable to communicate it.  I thought listing her blog would be the better way to go rather than regurgitate what she says. Enjoy!

I have Christmas festivities this weekend but will write again on Sunday. Until then as always enjoy the journey.

Here is the link to Sophie’s blog entry.


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