Friday, November 29, 2013

Musings before the race

I’m grateful for Thanksgiving and family

Happy Thanksgiving!!

The night before the race, and I think my mind if racing faster than my body will tomorrow. My mind comes up with extreme scenarios of what can go wrong; this is the worse part of an anxious mind. I’ve trained and now I am ready for the race. Could I have trained more? Probably, but that is hard to say as I always think I can do more and something better.  If I look at it from more of a neutral basis without my racing thoughts, yes I probably could have trained more but I also know I can do this race. Will it be fast?  No, but getting off the couch and even walking 1 mile is better than nothing, and I am run/walking 13.1 miles. No small feat.

So, what I need to do tonight is get my clothes together for the race, continue with the positive thought, and get some meditation done.  I need to continue drinking copious amounts of water and get some quality sleep tonight.  Before I know it the race will be done and I will have crossed that finish line. Not fast, but I will have 2 more opportunities to get faster and improve my time next year, and I will because I know myself and that is only whom I have to be competitive with…. Myself, nothing else matters.

I will be writing either tomorrow or Sunday to update how the race went.Next week I will be starting a rotation of Insanity and my blog will continue with that training. Have a great weekend and enjoy the journey.

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