Saturday, November 16, 2013



I am grateful for my family

Today will be a brief post. Yesterday was a hard day for me. It is the 10th anniversary of my father’s death. He died from cancer 10 years ago. The hardest thing with his death was how quickly it happened. We were not prepared.  Up until 15 days before he died we truly thought he was going to beat it. All the doctors were positive he was going to beat it, and I didn’t think about him dying as I truly did not think that would happen. Then October 31, 2003 I received a call from my mother stating the cancer was continuing to grow even through the treatment and there was nothing more the doctors could do. They gave him 3 months to live, he died 15 days later, and he had only been diagnosed in May 2003. 10 years later we are all still grieving in our own way.

Today’s subject though is going to be water, in honor of my dad. He always told me “You drink too much pop. You have to drink more water.” I, being a teenage girl, didn’t want to listen to him. Of course dad was right. As I train more and more I have come to realize that the days I don’t drink enough water my workouts are not as good, I am more worn out.  Of course the days where I get my water in I have kickass training sessions.

I still have a very hard time some days getting my water in and I always hear my dad say “put down the pop get a glass of water.” Now, as an adult I usually do put the diet pop down and grab a bottle of water. J The question though is how much do we drink. There are so many different answers out there. The one that I typically go with is half of my body weight and the days that I train I typically add another 20 oz to that number.  Not to say that I am perfect FAR FROM IT! But I try and some days I am unable to do it. That just means I try harder the next day. And I always hear my father say:


“Put down that pop and go drinks some water.”


Miss and love you dad and think of you daily. Everyone have a good weekend and as always enjoy the journey.

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